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The Key to Academic Success: Parent Involvement in a Child's Education

The Key to Academic Success: Parent Involvement in a Child's Education

All parents want their child to succeed academically at school.   And here’s the thing, one of the best predictors of a child's academic success is parents' involvement in their child’s education . Yes, you heard that right! When parents actively participate in their child's education, they do significantly better at school.

So the good news is that you can positively impact your child’s academic success by simply showing up!  Showing up to the conversations, the school activities, the assemblies or concerts and so forth.  By simply showing up you are setting your child on the path to academic success!

In this blog, we're going to explore the crucial role parents play in fostering their child’s academic success and provide you with some practical tips for parents of school-aged children. So, let's dive in!


Home-School Communication


First and foremost, communication is the cornerstone of a strong home-school partnership. By regularly engaging with your child's teachers, you build a bridge between home and school, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of your child's progress and any learning challenges that may arise. 

Make it a point to attend parent-teacher conferences and meetings in person, touch base occasionally via email or notes, or call in between report card periods to get an update on your child’s progress. As opportunities allow, volunteer in your child’s classroom, attend parent nights or chaperone on field trips.  It really does make a difference! 

When you actively engage with your child’s teachers and participate in school opportunities, you are creating a collaborative partnership that supports your child's educational journey and academic success.  Moreover, you send a message to your child that learning is valued and important.


Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home 


Foster a love of  learning at home by making learning a family priority.  Allow your child to witness your learning in action as parents, commit to learning a new skill as a family, or seek out learning opportunities for your child in their areas of interest outside of academics.

Create good homework routines and habits early and be consistent with them.  Ensure your child’s homework space has all the materials they typically need to complete their daily homework assignments.  Be present and available to assist your child when needed.

Look for opportunities to extend your child’s learning at school beyond the classroom.  Take the current curriculum concepts they are learning and show them how they apply to everyday life.  When children understand the purpose of the material they’re learning they will develop a more meaningful connection to it and be more actively engaged.


Advocating for Your Child at School 

Another important aspect of parent involvement is advocating for your child's educational needs. Collaborate with your child’s teachers and school team to ensure your child's specific educational needs are met. Share insights about their strengths and preferences, allowing teachers to tailor instruction accordingly.  Be willing and ready to do your part to support those who support your child at school.



Remember, as a parent, you possess the power to help shape your child's academic success. By actively engaging in their education, you provide a strong foundation for their future academic endeavours. So embrace the importance of parent involvement and become a true partner in your child's educational journey. 


Cultivate your child’s success. Get involved, make a difference, and watch your child soar!


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